Sunday, April 24, 2011

Earning Trust... Kinda

For the first couple of weeks when my people would leave me behind they would either put me in my kennel (I feel safe there) or put this white gate thing in the laundry room door. Now the laundry room is an okay place - my food, water and a bed is there, but there is no window and I just don't like being in jail. I can be trusted, you know... well, kinda. The kinda is the temptations when they are gone. I get bored and lonely. Sure, I can look out the windows and bark at people and dogs but this alone times are the perfect opportunty to explore... like the stryofoam thing or the bathroom trash. I love the laundry basket and it is fun to redecorate the place and surprise my people. His pajamas on the stairs, her pajamas and socks on the landing and an occasional display of underwear - very colorful and tastefully done if I don't say so myself. The best thing to play with (found in the laundry basket) is a bra! Oh, what fun! I can chew on the plastic bits but the fun is running through the house with it while it chases me! My Mom won't let me keep it so I have to keep looking for new ones.

People - they just don't understand fun.

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